WMI has over 40 years filming and media experience. Since first working with Marlin Perkins on an episode on Saltwater Crocodiles for “Wild Kingdom” in 1975, to incorporating a film production company in the 80’s (“The Production House”) that specialised in wildlife film and photography. Over the years we have worked with film crews on feature films, hundreds of documentaries and carried out thousands of general media interviews.

Crocodiles are popular viewing and we are at the forefront of making this possible rapidly and cost-effectively. With decades of scientific expertise with crocodile biology, combined with decades of experience in practical filming, we are expert at filming crocodiles in any context (wild and captive). We can provide access to experienced on-screen talent, and supply the equipment and logistics for any filming needs – boats, vehicles and helicopters. Furthermore, through our affiliation with Crocodylus Park we can provide ready access to Crocodiles in controlled environments from 30cm to 5m in size and experienced support staff for any sized production.

Working at the front line with Crocodiles and wildlife around the world are contemporary issues. Our senior staff are accomplished public speakers with a wealth of knowledge and are often engaged as speakers locally, nationally and internationally.